Representation & Influencing
As an increasingly influential and respected organisation, DTAS provides a strong voice, often at the highest levels, for our development trust members. We liaise closely with the Scottish Government and engage with local authorities, funders and other relevant agencies to promote your interests. Our policy objectives and consultation submissions reflect the needs and aspirations of our members – information which we gather in a range of ways.
DTAS staff and board members have always been very proactive in helping the Scottish Government to understand the roles and potential of Development Trusts. They have also been influential in shaping policy like the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015, in particular around the detail of how asset transfer would work. The Scottish Government sees DTAS as a valuable stakeholder and we look forward to continuing to work with them.Alasdair McKinlay, Scottish Government
Members are regularly given the opportunity to contribute to the development of new policy objectives and submissions. DTAS is a member-led organisation directed by a board of directors elected annually from the membership. The staff team and representative attend and present at a large number of external events each year, never missing an opportunity to highlight the impact of our members' work.
There's so much to be gained from development trusts coming together, sharing our knowledge and experience, and working together for the benefit of the movement. Individually we can be isolated community organisations; working togeher we can have collective strength and can punch above our weight.Sleat Community Trusts